Join us over the course of this year for our “Look We!” series as we spotlight familiar, and perhaps not so familiar, sights and sounds of Antigua and Barbuda, and publish updates on the Antigua and Barbuda ICH Project.
In this second edition of Look We!, we take a glimpse into Antigua and Barbuda’s boatbuilding tradition. By now, the word is out that our ICH project includes a tradition-inspired boatbuilding component. So, join us on a jaunt down memory lane and a trip to Urlings/ “round South” for a conversation (video) with traditional boatbuilder, Mr. Alford Cochrane.
Among other things, listen out for: the key role that family played in the transmission of skills and knowledge, names of boats of yesteryear; and, naturally, a very brief mention of the Point vs South boatbuilders’ rivalry.
Look out for the third edition of Look We! Also, feel free to suggest topics or submit your photos or video clips for future editions of Look We!