The Antigua & Barbuda Cultural Information System
The Antigua and Barbuda Cultural Information System is the first of its kind for the Department of Culture in the Ministry of Education, Sport, and Creative Industries, and for the nation of Antigua and Barbuda.
More than just a departmental website, it is a portal that aims to centralise and improve the efficacy of information sharing and exchange between cultural and creative actors and stakeholders, and the general population. A highly informed cultural/creative sector is one that will lend to greater coordination between our public, private, and civil sectors actors and stakeholders. It will also reduce worrisome duplication of efforts and programmes that put a strain on limited resources. On this portal, you will find information about key cultural/creative industry sectors and players, a creatives/ cultural practitioners map, cultural/creative statistics and trends, existing policies, opportunities, and, of course, local cultural events.
The Antigua & Barbuda Cultural Information System was created as an output of the country’s inaugural national cultural/creative industries mapping project, formulated and led by Cultural Advisor, Dr. Hazra C. Medica. The project entitled “Measuring the economic contribution of cultural industries to Antigua and Barbuda’s national development” was implemented by the Department of Culture with technical assistance from various public, private, and civil sector partners —local, regional, and international. It was supported by a near EC$ 135,000 award from the UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) in 2018. The mapping project marks Antigua and Barbuda’s first time as a recipient of UNESCO IFCD funds. In December 2018, the Department of Culture’s submission to the highly competitive fund was one of eight from around the globe to receive approval for funding for programs that will enhance countries’ cultural and creative industries.
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