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Cockroach in Fowl Pen?

Do you remember when our beloved calypsonian Boldface would sing “when you na know, you jus na know”? (“When you do not know, you just do not know”.) These words now sit comfortably in our repertoire of proverbs. The year is still new. Our journey through the rest of it would benefit from remembering some other thought-provoking local proverbs.  After all, where would we be without our proverbs and their meanings to help us make sense of the world and our resulting worldview?  Let the remembering begin!

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Image by brgfx on Freepik

Cockroach nah hab no right in a fowl house.

Put some distance between yourself and known danger.

Also, do not venture where you are not welcomed.

One rotten sheep will ‘poil de whole flock.

One bad person or thing can ruin or spoil everything around them/it.

Parson christen e pickney fus.

Everyone looks after their own interest or take care of their own first!

E mout sleep a dew.

A person who talks too much/without fear of consequences.

Two man-crab carn lib in de same hole.

There can only be one authority figure in a household. Two strong-willed individuals cannot exist under the same roof. (One would have to pack a bag/suitcase and leave!)

Image by kuritafsheen77 on Freepik; Image by Freepik

Ebery mouldy bread hab e cheese

Everyone, even someone many consider unattractive, has someone who will find them desirable.

One, one full basket.

Persevere! Success does not happen overnight.

Plantain sucker follow de root.

A child will follow the example set by his or her parent(s).

Fisherman never say e fish tink.

Do not expect a salesperson to point out the faults in his/her product or character.

Tief from tief mek God laugh.

A thief falling victim to another thief is hilarious and poetic justice served.

Wha pussy a play wid dog well want.

What means nothing to one person may mean the whole world to someone else.

Pickney who na hear wa dem mooma say, drink pepper water, lime an’ sal’

Listening to and following wise advice is a good way of avoiding unpleasant consequences.

Wha na kill, fatten.

If it does not kill you, it makes you stronger.

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Garling say trus no shadow.

Do not trust anyone. Always be wary.

Na put you head wey you body carn pass.

Live within your means.


Heng your catta coo whey you can reach um.

Tackle or attempt only what you can handle or manage.

Come see me a wan ting, come lib wid me is annoda.

You only truly get to know a person when you live with them.

When you play Warri with God, you get no seed.

Attempting to “con” God will earn you the worst outcome.

Jumbie kno who foo friken a foreday marnin.

Bullies pick on people they know they can intimidate.

When you do know, you really do know!  Comment or share other proverbs in the comments section below!

Other resources on Antiguan and Barbudan proverbs:

Museum of Antigua and Barbuda

Available at Best of Books Bookshop

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