The second annual Barbuda Youth Art Workshop & Competition recently ended with an exhibition at Madison Square, Barbuda.
The exhibition displayed entries submitted by Barbudan youths vying for the winner’s spot in three age categories 10-12, 13-15, and 16-20. The winner in each category received $EC 500, courtesy the Barbuda Ocean Club, and the exciting promise of seeing their work come alive on wall murals in the near future.

The winner in each age category was chosen according to total votes gained on Facebook and Instagram @artsyyaadie and from the final scores given by four judges on the day of the exhibition.

According to the workshop and competition organiser, Stacie-Ann Shaw/ “Artsy Yaadie”, the winning designs will soon be installed on wall murals that will be situated in a Meditation Garden/Park in Barbuda.
Shaw noted that the idea of a Meditation Garden/Park is rooted in her belief that the murals would be incomplete without an accompanying space where people can sit and socialise as they enjoy the work of the young Barbudan artists. She further added that she will be seeking partnerships with organisations, individuals, and the corporate sector to ensure the project’s success.

Visual Artist and Architect,
Ms. Stacie-Ann Shaw
(Photos courtesy of Ms. Stacie-Ann Shaw)
Excellent work to all the young creative minds who participated in the competition.
Heartfelt thank you to Ms Shaw who continues to champion our youth and challenges our community to stay focused on our best asset. Our youth who represents all of our tomorrows (future).
Awesome work!! Keep at it!
Thanks for the encouragement and recognising the works of the young artists in Barbuda. I hope they will realize the various creative opportunities that exist and that others will also help create opportunities for them to thrive.