Antigua and Barbuda Intellectual Property and Commerce Office (ABIPCO)
Protocol Relating to The Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (As Amended on November 12, 2007)
Antigua and Barbuda Intellectual Property and Commerce Office (ABIPCO)
Protocol Relating to The Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (As Amended on November 12, 2007)
Antigua and Barbuda Intellectual Property and Commerce Office (ABIPCO) Patent Law Treaty (PLT) and Regulations Under the Patent Law Treaty
Antigua and Barbuda Intellectual Property and Commerce Office (ABIPCO) Patent Cooperation Treaty
Antigua and Barbuda Intellectual Property and Commerce Office (ABIPCO) Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
Antigua and Barbuda Intellectual Property and Commerce Office (ABIPCO)
Budapest Treaty on The International Recognition of The Deposit of Microorganisms for The Purposes of Patent Procedure
Antigua and Barbuda Intellectual Property and Commerce Office (ABIPCO)
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (as Amended on 23 January 2017)